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Kindergarten- Second Grade Lessons and Resources

  Strong Literacy Components,   Ambitious Science Teaching Project,  Includes Slides to Advocate for Science

NFTI- Nonfiction Text and Inquiry Based Science, PPS- Picture Perfect Science/STEM


Earth and Space Science

Life Science

Physical Science

K.ESS.1: Weather changes are long-term and short-term.

Wind   NFTI/ V.Willett

K.LS.1 & 2: Living things have specific characteristics and traits, which influence their survival.

Animal Traits  NFTI

K.PS.2: Some objects and materials can be made to vibrate and produce sound.

Let's Drum  PPS Ansberry/Morgan

Modifications  PPS/ V.Willett


First Grade

Earth and Space Science

1.ESS.1: The sun is the principal source of energy.

Sunlight Warms the Earth   NFTI/ V. Willett

Also 1.PS.1

1.ESS.2: Water on Earth is present in many forms.

What's Outside Your Window   NFTI

Life Science

1.LS.1 Living things have basic needs, which are met by obtaining materials from the physical environment.

Seeds  NFTI/ V. Willett

Physical Science

1.PS.1: Properties of objects and materials can change.

Energy  J. Fields

Also 1.ESS.1

1.PS.2: Objects can be moved in a variety of ways, such as straight, zigzag, circular and back and forth.

Pushes, Pulls, and Playgrounds  NFTI/ V. Willett

Second Grade

Earth and Space Science

2.ESS.2: Water is present in the atmosphere.

The Case of the Disappearing Puddle  NFTI/ V. Willett

The Incredible Journey- Project Wet 

 Modifications  H.Allen

Life Science

2.LS.1: Living things cause changes on Earth.

Nature Detective  NFTI

Physical Science

2.PS.1: Forces change the motion of an object.

Forces & Motion |

Roller Coasters  PPS Ansberry/Morgan

Magnets   V. Willett

Additional Resources

Emily Morgan Books



  • Read Aloud Videos
  • Lesson Ideas
  • Write your own Next Time You See guide for elementary students

Camp Invention Free Resources

Camp Invention - Summer Camps ...

  • Read, Set, STEM Handbook
  • STEM Activities
  • Books That Inspire an Interest in STEM

Portable Innovation Labs- Available at no cost

Press Releases

"Powered by PAST and in partnership with Battelle, our Portable Innovation Labs (PIL) are designed to facilitate unique educational opportunities by providing teachers and students with the resources that schools may not be able to purchase on their own."

The Science Education Council of Ohio (SECO) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

SECO is the Ohio chapter of the National Science Teaching Association. Established since 1976. 

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