Middle School Lessons and Resources NFTI- Nonfiction Text and Inquiry Based Science, ISIR-Inquiring Scientist, Inquiring Readers PPS- Picture Perfect Science/STEM , STEM2U- Northern Kentucky University-CINSAM |
Sixth Grade
Earth and Space Science 6.ESS.5: Rocks, minerals and soils have common and practical uses Rocks, Minerals, and Soils - Engineering and Design Mystery Tube- | Life Science 6.LS.1: Cells are the fundamental unit of life. The Cell- | Physical Science 6.PS.3: There are two categories of energy: kinetic
and potential. Hand Warmers, an Inside Look- |
Seventh Grade |
Earth and Space Science
7.ESS.4: The relative patterns of motion and
positions of Earth, moon and sun cause solar and
lunar eclipses, tides and phases of the moon.
These units were created by teachers across the state of Ohio and the STEM and Science Teams at ODE-W. Grade 7 Multidisciplinary Lesson | Life Science | Physical Science
7.PS.3 Energy can be transformed or transferred but is never lost.
7.PS.4 Energy can be transferred through a variety of ways. Energy Transformation |
Eighth Grade |
Earth and Space Science 8.ESS.1: The composition and properties of Earth’s interior are identified by the behavior of seismic waves. Inside Earth- 8.ESS.2: Earth’s lithosphere consists of major and minor tectonic plates that move relative to each other. Tectonic Plates- | Life Science 8.LS.1: Diversity of species, a result of variation of traits, occurs through the process of evolution and extinction over many generations. The fossil records provide evidence that changes have occurred in number and types of species. Life on Earth Has Changed Over Time- Evidence of Evlolution- Homologous Structures- 8.LS.2: Every organism alive today comes from a long line of ancestors who reproduced successfully every generation. 8.LS.3: The characteristics of an organism are a result of inherited traits received from parent(s). Mitosis and Meiosis- | Physical Science 8.PS.1: Objects can experience a force due to an external field such as magnetic, electrostatic, or gravitational fields. 8.PS.2: Forces can act to change the motion of objects. Rube Goldberg Machine - |